Depends where you wear it. Like a pile of bricks in an art gallery, the environment defines what it is.
Will you be wearing it to a Zoom meeting or a protest? Or both? Will you be wearing a face mask? Or a balaclava?
things are reaching a new high with jw fashion.. a jw orgie facemask.
a witness without a word.
Depends where you wear it. Like a pile of bricks in an art gallery, the environment defines what it is.
Will you be wearing it to a Zoom meeting or a protest? Or both? Will you be wearing a face mask? Or a balaclava?
the july 2020 announcements mentions that baptism can be held in an “inflatable pool” as long as it touches the ground.
the pool must not be “on a terrace, flat roof, balcony, etc.”.
has anyone ever noticed that as a requirement?.
Do away with the pool for H&S reasons? New simplified arrangement - dry baptisms?
Dig a 6ft hole in the ground...
things are reaching a new high with jw fashion.. a jw orgie facemask.
a witness without a word.
True but I can see some of this stuff being sent around as gifts. I still have a few things I was given. For example, a wooden spoon with diamante and some message on it. Also a Sophia badge made from a bottle top.
The tee-shirts/dresses could be worn during the social side of Zoom meetings or at social gatherings. Children could wear some of the stuff during Zoom meetings.
things are reaching a new high with jw fashion.. a jw orgie facemask.
a witness without a word.
Uh oh - what if they come up with... a face mask you can place.
Ohh looks like they have:-
Wonder if there is a place on the report to count the number of face masks you have placed this month?
Oh look! A Caleb and Sophia top - ideal for wearing on the trolley, if they ever get wheeled out again.
And an A-line dress. Bit short but with Caleb and Sophia on, does it matter?
Ah this is more like it. I bet they sell a lot of these.
the following list was posted by generation2 in reddit.
perhaps you can add to it.. 1- it's a translation issue.
2- that's how things where then.
Do you think this is the best use of your intellectual capacities?
Park it.
The oyster coats the irritant, you will become a beautiful pearl.
You are irrational.
It may be true, but it is not up to you to say so.
It may be true but it is not true if it is coming out of your mouth.
You are nit picking.
The prophet Daniel is not a channel Jehovah is using today.
Ug hu ug ah uggh ug ah ah ug dud uh gu uh du (this was an elder's response to my question, 'was Jesus an apostate because he believed the prophet Daniel?')
my me mother and i do not see eye to eye to say the least.
my childhood was fraught with her abusive behavior.
alas.she is old now and though i have not spoken to her in a year she called the other day and wanted to see me.
I don't know if you are in UK but if so, don't get your expectations up too high regarding professional support. I know of one case where the involvment of a barrister could not overturn a sad matter regarding an elderly one.
What I have learnt over the years with the elderly is to be kind and be there. Stay in touch. The injustices they suffer are probably not going to be addressed. Maybe a little but it'll be a tiring fight. In the end what matters is your love for them.
my me mother and i do not see eye to eye to say the least.
my childhood was fraught with her abusive behavior.
alas.she is old now and though i have not spoken to her in a year she called the other day and wanted to see me.
Your mum is where she is at due to a long string of decisions she has made over the years. This situation with nursing homes suddenly comes upon older folk. Then they find out how very vulnerable they were. But by then if they have slammed the door in the face of those who cared over so many years, the caring person is not in much of a position to help.
Be kind to her in whatever way you can. Be supportive but know your limitations. Don't take on a fight that was probably lost years ago. However, with kindness and genuine love it is possible to win something. Maybe right at the end she finds out she was wrong about WTBS and apologises to you.
Millions now living will never die - I know several who have died very upset having wasted their lives. But it only kicks in at the end when all hope is gone.
Kindness, comfort and consolation - that's what I'd aim at. And take her some treats. But I appreciate I don't know your situation, so you know what's appropriate for your situation.
the july 2020 announcements mentions that baptism can be held in an “inflatable pool” as long as it touches the ground.
the pool must not be “on a terrace, flat roof, balcony, etc.”.
has anyone ever noticed that as a requirement?.
Sigrid - Even if not their current intention, it wouldn't be a surprise to find they draw in godeic earth forces and ley lines. I can imagine some publisher on the platform eagerly giving details of how they were baptized in some pop-up plastic pond on a ley line that ends in Chelmsford or Warwick.
the july 2020 announcements mentions that baptism can be held in an “inflatable pool” as long as it touches the ground.
the pool must not be “on a terrace, flat roof, balcony, etc.”.
has anyone ever noticed that as a requirement?.
I remember a picture circulating of a young brother being baptised in a wheelie bin. He was the only one in the bin so presumably someone must have just pushed him down. Poor chap. Not very dignified.
it started off as "dear friend ,as one of your neighbours" , however the postmark on the letter was from 2 townships away ?
a good twenty minute car drive away .a minor point i know.
it goes on about how she is concerned about the effects that current events are having on the welfare of the community and the corona-virus has prevented her from discussing the issues personally with me.. she then goes on to state and quote jeremiah 29:11 and then goes on to say "for more information about this promise and other questions like :.
If you don't want to give away you are an ex JW it's difficult, because they'll know.
I'd go in with
*** w64 10/15 p. 637 A Haughty Spirit Is Before Stumbling ***
” (Dan. 1:1) This “third year” of vassalage to Babylon would be the eleventh year of Jehoiakim’s entire reign
To correspondent - Where in Dan 1:1 does it say vassalage? Do you think it is right to change the number 3 to 11?
Stop pretending 2 Kings 24:1 is Dan 1:1.
You could sign off your letter
By the way your 1914 doctrine rests on this year. You've been conned. If you wish for futher maths lessons please watch this helpful video on how to count.
With encouragement